
Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Lasst mich endlich mit euerm Genöle in Ruh! Wenn ich Lust dazu hab, scheiß ich die Nordsee zu

Here's my latest skeleton:

btw: I bought some paper for my book and started printing it yesterday and finished the first layer of sheets of paper (there are going to be 5) today.

I'm too tired to write anything else, so I'm going to bed now...

[Title: DÄ - Grotesksong]

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Ich bin heut Morgen im Rinnstein aufgewacht, splitternackt mit schwerem Schädel, was für eine Nacht!

I finally managed to arrange the pictures for my next book! 
Yesterday I prepared 4 screens for the first layer of sheets of paper and I actually wanted to start printing, too, but then I noticed I forgot to buy paper and the store for art supplies was already closed. lol 
I actually had some paper left but it's the wrong paper grain, so I can't use it, because the book wouldn't close after binding it. But since I didn't want to do nothing, I decided to print the book cover today, it looks like this:

[They're 43 x 61 cm, I printed 12 of them, because I planned to make 10 books [size: about 21 x 29 cm], so if anything goes wrong, I still have 2 extra prints.]

I think I'm going to glue labels with the title (Blutbilder III) and my name on them on the covers in the end, like I did with my "TESTING!" book.

After I was done with the cover prints, I continued carving the lino plate of my cannibalistic mutant banana (the black spots on the right are the layer for the red paint):

The next picture I'm going to add to my linocut booklet (I don't know whether I already mentioned it, but I'm going to name it "Loony Cuts".) is Frankensteins Pineapple. :)

And right now I had a new idea for another skeleton/dance of death picture, which I'll hopefully start drawing tomorrow (it's already too late to get started today). :D

[BTW: the post title is from DÄ - Nie wieder Krieg, nie mehr Las Vegas!]

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Failbook and so on

Here's the link to my fail...uhm...Facebook page:
Like it or not.
I still don't get what it's all about. :D

Plus here comes the drawing I mentioned yesterday. 
I didn't draw it yesterday tough, I was too occupied with being confused by social media.

Also I still have to get on with my book... :\
But I'll take care of that tomorrow. Right now I'm too tired, because I went to see a Édouard Manet exhibition in Hamburg today. It was very hot outside and then the train had a breakdown and everything was just very exhausting. 
But Manet ftw! You should take a look at the painting "Berthe Morisot with a veil". I found it kind of disturbing and just couldn't take my eyes off of it. But I guess you won't get the same feeling, if you can't take a look at the original painting in real life.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

This and that...

Since I wasn't able to do any screen prints lately I've been working on my linocuts for my side project booklet. Today I finished the exploding clown:

The paper is 29,7 x 21 cm. The next picture I'll carve is my Cannibalistic Mutant Banana.

I didn't get on with any other book project of mine. I'm currently not in the mood to think of zombie pictures and the one with the rasterized photos is currently on hold, because I still don't know how to get on with the order of the pictures. Maybe I have to take some new photos to add to the book...

But here's one more tryout print for you (click for full view!):

Plus I decorated my work shoes:

Just so you know: I'm working on a Facebook page for my art, but I never used Facebook before and I don't get what it's all about or why people are using it, so this might take some time. :P
I also had a new idea for a picture today and I hope I'll pull myself together and start drawing it this evening...but  I admit, I don't feel like doing anything right now. My mood hasn't been that good lately...

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Very funny

Today I've been flicking through some picture folders on my external hard drive, while taking a break. In one of them I found a drawing I did 6 years ago and I felt like redrawing it. 
So here's a new version of my evil mutant rabbit:

It's also available at Redbubble!

Dunno what'll be coming up next, I'm feeling very uninspired lately. :(

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Frankensteins Ananas

Today I've been setting up a shop page at Redbubble (which took a lot of time), where you can buy stuff that has some of my drawings printed on them.
You can find it here:

(Yes, I know the word is actually spelled with "ae", but that nickname was already taken, so I decided to misspell mine.)

Thus I didn't get on with the layout for my book. Finding a good order fo my pictures is harder than I thought. 
Plus I wouln't be able to print out any model images at my uni anyway, because all the printers are being exchangend and nothing is working yet.

Now I'm tired from staring into my computer screen all day long, but to please my audience I pulled myself together and drew Frankensteins pineapple:

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


Sooo...last weekend I've been doing some more test prints for the book I'm going to make.

But now I have to take a break from working, because I overworked my joints...again.
I already have to bandage not only my wrists, but my left elbow, too, while working and that's very uncomfortable. Plus it doesn't really help if my joints are already hurting.


If I go on working like this, I'll someday be runnung around the printing studio like:

Now I'm going to wait until my elbow feels better before I'm starting to print anything. I still have to prepare the layout and model images for my book anyway (and I think that's going to take some time).

Thursday, 11 August 2016


Today I've been doing almost nothing, because my elbow hurts from printing all day long yesterday (I know I should take a break until it's healed, but I already prepared more model images to print this weekend :\ ).
I did more rasterized photo-based prints like this one:

close-up: can find more of them HERE! <---------------------------------

The new book I'm planning to make will contain only rasterized photo prints. But I still haven't started working on it yet, because I'd like to do some more tryout pictures first. I think I'm getting better at doing CMYK screen prints. :]

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Cut my banana into pieces, this is my last resort

Finished my banana today, but I guess this will be the last time I printed something this big, because I had too many troubles handling the sheets of paper by mysef.

As you can see, I printed the "Scheiße" picture as well:

[it's about 19 x 25 cm or so]
I like the distortion, it makes the whole situation look more dramatic. :D

Plus I started making prints of some of my photographs, by rasterizing them. This is the first one I did in full colour:

The one in the middle is a version of the others, I didn't add the layer of plack paint to it, just to see what it looks like.
Here's a close up of the right one (the paper is about 43 x 30 cm]:

It's actually just an ordinary CMYK print, but as you can see it's not that easy to screen print. I didn't know you had to prepare each layer of paint in a different way (by using different angles for each raster), before printing out the model images. That's why the layers aren't in the right places, so the optical mixture doesn't work very well.
But since I know the mistake I made, I'm going to try printing another rasterizes photo tomorrw. I hope the result will be better than the last time.

Also I had a new idea for a hardcover book...but I haven't started drawing it yet.
Seems like my first book idea will have to wait a bit longer, because that other one appears more interesting to me right now.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Just a sample of carbon-based wastage

I still don't feel like going on with my book, because I actually don't feel like doing anything right I really don't think it's going to be finished by October, which sucks a lot.

Anyway, I still finished painting my brains:

 and I think I'm going to make their boxes next week. I already asked the workshop manager of the printing studio for help, since she's an expert on making boxes and books and so on, too.
Plus I started printing my banana (it's going to be fully cloured):

This project doesn't run smoothly at all. I'm having a lot of troubles printing the layers of paint, because the paper is just too big (it's 95 x 150 cm!). And I don't know when it's going to be finished, because I think there will be other people working in the studio during the next week, so I won't have enough space for my huge sheets of paper.

Hurray, everything sucks.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Scheiß Banane

 plus the coloured version:

I'm not in a good mood, so that's it for now.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016


Here comes the finished book:

 [Sorry for the blurry video, but I don't have a tripod]

I messed up almost all of them, by gluing the books at an angle to their cases. lol
But at least now I know my mistake, so I'll practise bookbinding some more...and someday one of them will turn out okay.

Plus I made two more sketch/notebooks from misprints:

Coming up next...uhm...maybe the brain box sculptures?
Also I still didn't get on with the zombie chapter of my other book or the linocut booklet...damn it I don't want to be lazy. :\

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Ich krieg meine Banane nicht auf [UPDATE: boring videos!]

Almost done with my tryout book (it's an edition of 10)! Here are some impressions of what I've done so far [klick for full view!]:

These are the folded and sorted pages.
Then there's the paper I printed for the book covers:
These are two books, or rather their backs. You can see the stitching, for which I used transparent elastic band
 Here are some stapeled and glued books:

This is what they look like, after cuttung off the kraft band, which helps to keep everything together.
Just my paper cup. :D
 Here are the book cases I made:
Here's a video of how I made those:
Plus the book cases after gluing the cover paper on:
Here's how I did it:

Then the last step. The books need to be pressed while drying overnight.

I still have to make one more book case, because I messed up one of them, by making it too small on one side. Of course I only noticed that when it was already much too late. of the finished books are coming soon!

Monday, 1 August 2016

F__k Everything


Yup, I'm kinda moody lately.

Anyway...Batyote ftw!

Btw: I'm still working on my tryout book, but nothing else, so: sorry, but you'll have to make do with my fan art crap for now.