
Thursday, 31 March 2016

Du hast da was Rotes.

"You've got red on you."

I actually made this about two weeks ago, but right now I don't have anything else to show, so here's my "Shaun of the Dead" (which is the best movie ever!) fan shirt.
It's not printed, I painted the tie and name tag with a brush on my T-shirt.

I think this is going to be my Comic Con outfit. :D

Coming up next: more postcards! 
I'm not going to tell you which images I'm printing, but I'll tell you this about them: there's going to be gold!

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

28 cm of work

It's been almost one year since I started doing screen prints.
My very first project was an artbook, "The Siren". Printing artbooks isn't easy, so usually no one who wants to start learning how to do screen prints does this by making an arbook. But since I'm ino difficult tasks, I just had to do it. 
When I printed those skeleton T-shirts, I was complaining to my printing teacher, because I found it so difficult to match the different colour layers. 
Here's what she said to me: "Well, why didn't you just do a simple print with only one colour? But I know you, you always want to have your own way regardless...". :D

These are all the artbooks I did during the past 11 months:

I know it doesn't look like much, but I counted them and I actually made 115 artbooks!

Today I also finished binding my 18 "Kreaturen" booklets:

Feels good to be done with this project

And since I'm still bad a taking breaks and resting my joints, I drew a little, dead frog:


Monday, 28 March 2016


Today I fixed the white parts in my artbooks by printing those small stripes of paint on top of them. It does look better than my brush retouching and the overlapping stripes are only about 0,5 -1 mm, so no big deal. But I still need to bind the books (and do some little more retouching). That's what I'm going to do tomorrow. I could have started today, but I need to buy more rubber band first, I'd like to bind all the booklets on one day. Today I only folded the pages and placed them into their covers:

Yup, it's going to be 18 artbooks, at least if I don't mess up any more while binding them.
So please keep your fingers crossed!

Also I made these small sketch/notebooks from scrap paper I found in the printing studio (they're no larger that 15 x 12 cm). I made them just for fun. I actually have no use for them, but I liked the pattern of the papers, so I couldn't resist...

Aaaaaaaand yes, printing without bandages wasn't a good idea. The joints in my elbows, wrists and fingers started hurting like hell again, so I probably should give them some rest.

(Yes, I still need a haircut!)

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Not only the Easter bunny is at work

Yesterday I started printing in the afternoon and contniued until late in the evening (about 4 hours of work I guess), today I continued working for 7 hours without taking a break, but I'm still not done yet.
I actually already finished and bound one artbook, but it's "second quality", or let's call it my tryout booklet.
Of course some stuff went wrong while printing, but that was not completely my fault, since the printer at my uni messed up some of my model pictures by printing them at an angle. So now I've got some white parts on 2 of the pages plus at the covers top.
In my tryout booklet I tried fixing that by painting those parts with a brush, but that looks pretty crappy (you can't see it on the photos, they're too small). I'm going to try and fix the white parts tomorrow by printing small stripes of paint on top of them. You're probalby still going to see the fixed parts, because the paint will overlap, but I hope it won't look as bad as the smears I created by using a brush.
The only problem is that I ran out of bandages for my wrists and I won't be able to buy new ones tomorow, because all shops are closed during Easter Monday.
 I already had to patch up one bandage today:

Yay, multicoloured bandages! :D
I hope my joints won't start hurtig again when I'm going to print without them. :\

Anyway, here comes the artbook (it's about 21 x 29,7 cm), I wanted to make 20 of it, but by now it seems like there are only going to be 18. 
Keep your fingers crossed that I won't mess up more of them!

Ah yes, here's the part I'm proud of: I used transparent rubber band to bind the book, so the seam won't disturb the Leviathan picture in its middle too much. I'm a genius! :D

Friday, 25 March 2016


Here's my basilisk:

Plus I redrew the Minotaur just now. But I still have to work on the mermaid and one or two new drawings for the artbook. Also I haven't got a design for the cover yet.
I just hope that I can start printing on Sunday!

Thursday, 24 March 2016


Not much to say about this one, just the usual "something bothers me about it, but I can't make out what it is".

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


My eyes feel like they're going to pop out of their sockets, but at least I finished my Leviathan drawing.
By now I think I'm going to do a completely new drawing of the Minotaur (I still haven't decided on the mermaid yet). But I'm going to do this in the end, after I'm done with all the other pictures.
I actually planned to start printing this weekend, but this plan doesn't seem very likely, since I want the book to contain at least 7 pictures. So far I've only done 4 and 2 of them need to be redrawn. :\


Now I guess I'll have to redo the Minotaur, too.
Nothing about this artbook project seems to work out. I'm spending hours on these pictures, but in the end they never look the way I want them to. It's like I can't stay within one drawing style and I don't know why this keeps happening.
It's all pretty frustrating, especially because I want to get on quickly with this thing. 
But I'm going to keep working on it anyway.

Today I drew this Gorgon:

Plus yesterday I got a gift from one of my fellow students:
It's a liquorice pipe! :D
While eating it I felt like:

...but afterwards I went back to feeling like:

Meh, nothing seems to work. :(

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

The Minotaur

I've been working the whole morning on this picture, it almost drove me crazy and I think my hand is going to fall off any minute.
Now that I finished the Minotaur I'll have to redraw the mermaid, because the lines in that picture are much too smooth and it's too detailed. But right now I don't know if I'll do a completely new drawing or try and fix the old one
Also I still haven't decided on the other pictures yet, but it seems like there's going to be some red in the artbook.
Now my hand needs some rest. :(

Monday, 21 March 2016

Discouragement and the like

Today I had an idea for a new artbook!
I want it to contain a little collection of legendary creatures.
I already did a little bit of research and now I'm overwhelmed by the mass of creatures there is, especially in Greek mythology. I made a list of 15 creatures I'm interested in, but I haven't decidied which ones I'm going to put in the artbook yet. The only ones that I will definitely do are a mermaid and the Minotaur.

Today I already drew the mermaid, though I'm not sure if I'll leave it this way. I guess I'm going to have to do some more drawings first, so I can see how the drawing style works out. Also I'm not sure about using colours yet. 
Yup, there's still a lot I have to think about. 

Plus I'm currently feeling discouraged and I'd rather do nothing at this artbook project is probably going to take some time until it's finished.

 (Also I need to get a haircut.)

Sunday, 20 March 2016


Just wanted to do a drawing with a burying beetle in it. 
It took a while (Now that I'm looking at my watch, it's been more than two hours. Damn it!), but I finally came up with something (good?):

Saturday, 19 March 2016

The battle

Not much to say...just more squid fighting!
I'm considering printing this, but I want it to be big. So now I'm pondering on the cost-benefit ratio. :\

I can make it fit [update]

Here comes what I've been printing on Thursaday!
I never printed on fabric before and printing T-shirts is more difficult than I thought it would be. At least if you want to print more than one colour layer, because adjusting the screens so the layers fit is quite difficult. I was fiddling about them for about 20 or 30 minutes and in the end they actually didn't fit. 
I had to do a lot of retouching and it took about 5 hours to get the shirts to look the way I wanted them.
I did 6 of these (differnet sizes)  but I fucked up one of them so badly that I can only use it as work clothes or so...
Anyway, here's the shirt:


Here's the original digital drawing, so you can get a closer look on the picture:


Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Zombie candy

My hand is feeling a little better. That's good news because last Thursday and Friday I've been working on something which I'd like to print tomorrow or the day after that (depends on the arrival of the material I ordered for printing). I'm not going to say what I want to print though!
The suspense is killing you, isn't it? :P

So while you're waiting there's zombie candy for you (you shouldn't eat it though): 

Tuesday, 15 March 2016


Seems like I'm not good at taking breaks.
I drew this today and now my hand feels all numb and crampy...but I think it was worth the trouble.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Sticker stuff

Today I did nothing, because I'm having carpal tunnel problems again and my shoulder hurts, so I'm taking a break from drawing and printing. I hope my hand is going to be better soon. :\

But yesterday I did some other sticker based drawings (of which I'd like to do more).
Here are photos of the stickers from my albums plus my versions of them.




Saturday, 12 March 2016

Cannibalistic mutant banana

The other day I found my sticker collection from when I was a child. In one of my albums there was this very absurd banana sticker, which I then put on the back of my mobile phone:

(WTF, why is it wearing gloves and socks but no pants?)

While I was pondering on what to do this evening, I looked at my phone and thought: why not draw my own version of that?
Here it is:

Thursday, 10 March 2016


Yesterday I finished my arbooks, after having to do some final retouching. Turns out there are only 19 (of 20) booklets left, because I messed up one of them while binding (Damn it! But I'm getting better.).

Now I'm racking my brain trying to come up with a new project. D:
Think, think, think, think, think...

Friday, 4 March 2016


I guess I'll start printing the artbook for "Auf der Jagd nach meiner Seele" (tough I'm going to name the artbook just "Auf der Jagd") tomorrow. So keep your fingers crossed that I won't mess it up, since it's a lot of work (20 artbooks for which I'll need 5 sheets of paper each + one sheet of cardboard for the cover = 120 prints and 3 pages with two layers of paint...argh!).

Here's a zombie cow for you to look at until I'm done with the artbook:

Thursday, 3 March 2016


Finally, here's my zombie girl print!
It's far from being perfect, but at least now I know how to do large screen prints. :)


 Plus a photo of my workplace:
[On the right there are some other new screen prints of mine, at which you can take a closer look ->here<-.]

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Auf der Jagd

This is the first arbook I finished today, but I'm not done yet. 
I still have to print some covers (because I didn't have enough cardboard today) and then bind and crop the books.

So here's the cover image, which you didn't know yet:


...and some pages, for you to get a glimpse of the layout:

Tuesday, 1 March 2016


Today I printed some postcards. 
I thought the picture with the sewn hand would look good as a motiv, but it didn't, because it was too small. I printed 15 cards with that image and only 3 turned out ok, so I won't show it here.
But I also printed two other pictures, which look better:


I did a lot of these "AHOI" cards, more than 20. I think the image looks pretty cool (without that ladybird lol).

I printed 15 of these, but not all of them turned out good,because on some of them the layers aren't congruent. 

The cards are 11 x 15,2 cm/ two layers of acrylic paint + varnish

Also I finally decided to print the latest poem illustartion of mine. Today I prepared the layout for the arbook and printed out the model images for screen printing. 

In case you didn't notice: I updated one of the illustrations in that post.