Yesterday evening, at 6 pm, there should have been an important lecture at my uni. So I rushed there, but had to find out that it was cancelled.
Instead of going home I stayed to work in the printing studio. I never worked there that late and when I was done it was already 10:40 pm, but it was actually pretty good, since no one else was there to get in my way.
I printed the Nom nom nom picture. I was eager to find out if everything would work out the way I planned it (especially the part with the layer of white paint).
While working I took some photos of the printing process.
Here you go:
First things first, here's my screen before it's been coated:
Here's the original for the layer of grey paint, laying on the lightbox:
Then comes the screen after it's bee exposed, the violet stuff is the coating and the light parts are the images which are going to be printed:
Here's the screen while printing the layer of brown paint for the brain wafer (which is a good title for the picture, I guess):
And here's what the picture looked like after adding each layer of paint (forgot to take a photo of the grey layer though):
Et voilĂ ! The finished print:
I really expected it to look worse, the colours don't look exactly the way I wanted them, but I guess it turned out okay.
Also here are some pictures of my hands being maltreated: