
Tuesday, 27 October 2015


Info on the workshop at my university:

1. They didnt know what to say about my zombie picture. They actually didn't really know what to say about any of my work.
2. It's so f*cking exhausting (and boring) it's only 7:30 pm and I already feel like going to bed.

This is me:


 I'm going to sleep.
Don't disturb!

Saturday, 24 October 2015

One against all!

I'm taking part in a workshop, about illustration and how it's related to text, next week. The artist who leads the workshop assigned us to illustrate or design an existing text, like a shopping list or a menu. I chose to base my illustration on that list my tattooist gave me.
I'm still not quite sure if I got the task right...but here's what I did so far (took me gazillion hours to draw this):

 We'll see what the other participants of the workshop think about it next Tuesday.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015


Glowworm page 3 will be coming soon (maybe this weekend?). I already sketched part of the page, but right now I have other stuff to do. I'm going to participate in a bunch of workshops at my university and I need to write a text about my art and blah blah blah...right now I don't feel like doing any of that.

So here's what I did instead of doing something intelligent:

 Procrastination ftw!

Monday, 19 October 2015

Der Heideknabe

This is my newest work done in screenprinting. This time I chose to illustrate the poem "Der Heideknabe" by Friedrich Hebbel.
 It consits of 12 sheets which are about 29,7 x 42 cm each.

Friday, 16 October 2015

The next few days?

Last December I started working on a little comic/manga-ish (or whatever you like to call my drawing style) sci-fi story. I sketched the first two pages and then, for some reason, that I don't remember, I gave up
Yet the idea still lingers in my head and I'm going to finish those first two pages (hopefully in the next few days) and show them here (if I'm confident enough, hahaha...).

Here's an early drawing of one of the main characters:

In the meantime you can also look at this screenprint of an octopus:

...and this kitschy drawing of two swallows carrying a floral wreath, which I drew as a present for my mother:

Civic amenity site

This year I did an art project with my professor and fellow students at a civic amenity site. We worked there for two weeks in May. I did some of my blood-paintings there. I left them like traces at specific locations at that site. 
I took some photos to document what I was doing there and from that I made an 12-page artbook using screenprinting. This artbook contains pictures of the civic amenity site and blood-paintings and some other drawings that I made up. 
It can be read like a picture book in which the single prints are loosely connected to each other and to which the viewer is free to make up his/her own story.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

More digital stuff

Here are some more digital drawings. 
I actually used them to make screenprints, but I like the the drawings better than the prints, because the blue and red look much brighter. I unfortunately didn't quite get those perfect colour results in the printed versions.

 Btw.: I almost forgot to link my art based homepage over here:  

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Fuchs du hast die Gans gestohlen

I'm too tired to come up with something new, so here's yet another old illustration project of mine:
"Fuchs du hast die Gans gestohlen", which is based on a German nursery rhyme of the same title.
It consists of 9 linocuts which are about 29,7 x 42 cm each.

I showed this to Paul and sent him a link to an English translation of the rhyme, which was in fact very badly translated and so he wrote his own version of it (which I think is even better than the original):

Fox, You’ve Stolen the Goose!

Fox, you villain, you’ve stolen the goose!
Come here!
You thief!
Give it back!

I’ll call for the Hunter, you rabid pup,
Don’t think you’ll be getting away.
Through forest and field he will never let up
He’ll chase you all night and all day.
And though you may hunger to feast on that kill,
His gun will be hungrier still.
His gun will be hungrier still.

His big, long gun will light up the dusk
And its shot will find its mark.
And you will be dead, my villainous fox
A corpse stretched out in the dark.
And around his wife’s shoulder your pelt will be slung,
As red and as dead as the goose on your tongue.
As red and as dead as the goose on your tongue.

So don’t be a fool, leave the bird well alone
Attend my advice if you want to live longer.
Feast on the mouse, be content with the mouse,
The goose is for those who are bigger and stronger.
The goose is for those who are bigger and stronger.

Paul Laville
Jan 2015

Monday, 12 October 2015

The Monkey's Paw

Yesterday evening I didn't want ot spend the rest of the day sitting infront of my computer. So I went to my bookshelf and pulled out a collection of short (mystery/horror) stories by W.W. Jacobs. After skipping through some of them I finally went to re-reading my favourite one: The Monkey's Paw.

"It moved," he cried, with a glance of disgust at the object as it lay on the floor. "As I wished, it twisted in my hand like a snake."
W.W. Jacobs - The Monkey's Paw

In the end reading this story forced me back to my computer, I just had to scribble something relating to it.


Sunday, 11 October 2015

Der Reiter und der Bodensee

Here's another old project of mine. Last December I did a series of linocuts illustrating the poem "Der Reiter und der Bodensee" by Gustav Schwab.

Here's the poem:

 Gustav Schwab

 Der Reiter und der Bodensee

Der Reiter reitet durchs helle Tal,
auf Schneefeld schimmert der Sonne Strahl.

Er trabet im Schweiß durch den kalten Schnee,
er will noch heut an den Bodensee;

Noch heut mit dem Pferd in den sichern Kahn,
will drüben landen vor Nacht noch an.

Auf schlimmem Weg, über Dorn und Stein,
er braust auf rüstigem Roß feldein.

Aus den Bergen heraus, ins ebene Land,
da sieht er den Schnee sich dehnen wie Sand.

Weit hinter ihm schwinden Dorf und Stadt,
der Weg wird eben, die Bahn wird glatt.

In weiter Fläche kein Bühl, kein Haus,
die Bäume gingen, die Felsen aus;

so fliegt er hin eine Meil und zwei,
er hört in den Lüften der Schneegans Schrei;

es flattert das Wasserhuhn empor,
nicht andern Laut vernimmt sein Ohr;

kein Wandersmann sein Auge schaut,
Der ihm den rechten Pfad vertraut.

Fort gehts, wie auf Samt, auf dem weichen Schnee,
wann rauscht das Wasser, wann glänzt der See?

Da bricht der Abend, der frühe, herein:
Von Lichtern blinket ein ferner Schein.

Es hebt aus dem Nebel sich Baum an Baum,
und Hügel schließen den weiten Raum.

Er spürt auf dem Boden Stein und Dorn,
dem Rosse gibt er den scharfen Sporn.

Und Hunde bellen empor am Pferd,
und es winkt ihm im Dorf der warme Herd.

"Willkommen am Fenster, Mägdelein,
an den See, an den See, wie weit mags sein?"

Die Maid, sie staunet den Reiter an:
"Der See liegt hinter dir und der Kahn.

Und deckt' ihn die Rinde von Eis nicht zu,
ich spräch, aus dem Nachen stiegest du."

Der Fremde schaudert, er atmet schwer:
"Dort hinten die Ebne, die ritt ich her!"

Da recket die Magd die Arm in die Höh:
"Herr Gott! so rittest Du über den See!

An den Schlund, an die Tiefe bodenlos,
hat gepocht des rasenden Hufes Stoß!

Und unter dir zürnten die Wasser nicht?
nicht krachte hinunter die Rinde dicht?

Und du wardst nicht die Speise der stummen Brut?
Der hungrigen Hecht' in der kalten Flut?"

Sie rufet das Dorf herbei zu der Mär,
es stellen die Knaben sich um ihn her;

die Mütter, die Greise, sie sammeln sich:
"Glückseliger Mann, ja, segne du dich!

Herein zum Ofen, zum dampfenden Tisch,
brich mit uns das Brot und iß vom Fisch!"

Der Reiter erstarret auf seinem Pferd,
er hat nur das erste Wort gehört.

Es stocket sein Herz, es sträubt sich sein Haar,
dicht hinter ihm grinst noch die grause Gefahr.

Es siehet sein Blick nur den gräßlichen Schlund,
sein Geist versinkt in den schwarzen Grund.

Im Ohr ihm donnerts wie krachend Eis,
wie die Well umrieselt ihn kalter Schweiß.

Da seufzt er, da sinkt er vom Roß herab,
da ward ihm am Ufer ein trocken Grab.

Dance Of Death

Last month I got my first tattoos. Of course I was a bit nervous when I went to the studio, but luckily I found out that my tattooist is a super nice guy and the whole situation was very relaxed. So we were chatting while he worked on my arms and we found out that we both like trash/horrormovies. While talking he mentioned a buch of movies I didn't know yet, so I asked him to write me a list of them.
Here's the list: 
Idle Hand, Bad Taste (which I actually had seen 10 years ago, but forgot about it), Meet the Feebles, Braindead, Chillarama, Zombeavers, Trailerpark of Terror, Mucha Sangre, Rubber (my favourite), Hobo with a Shotgun
Within a week or so I watched all of them and that inspired me to make this series of screen prints (edition of 13 prints each):

As a present I gave the three small ones to my tattooist. He seemed pretty happy about them. :)

Saturday, 10 October 2015


I was hungry for some digital drawings. :)


So here's what I do when I'm bored...

After learning how to do stitched binding, I just couldn't help but making these:

Those are both sketchbooks, but only the yellow one turned out, not good, but "okay". That's why I'm not using it for anything. :D
They're made using cardboard and plain drawingpaper + embroidery thread. I glued some of my older graphics onto them, so they don't look too boring.

The other thing I do, when I'm bored, is drawing stuff. :D
 Here are some examples (which I put in that green sketchbook):

Friday, 9 October 2015

The Siren

So here's an "older" (April 2015) project I did with the author of "Awake in the Dark",  Paul Laville, whom I got to know by chance (more or less), because he wanted to use one of my photographies ("Dark Mask") for his first books cover.

I've wanted to make an artbook in cooperation with a writer/author for al long time, I just didn'k know anyone. So when I met Paul I thought I'd take the chance and ask him to write a text for me, which I was going to illustrate. 

The outcome of this project is "The Siren". 
It's completely done in screen printing and hand bound by myself.
The poem is written in Pauls handwriting.

Here are some pictures of it:

Pictures © Tanja Hehn
Also I did an exta print to go with each artbook (I did an edition of 20 booklets):

 © Tanja Hehn

And here's Pauls beautiful poem:

The Siren

In a world of ice and freezing fog,
In a forest of blackened wood,
In a putrid swamp, a foetid bog,
In a hollow ringed with skulls I stood.

I know not how I got here.
I know not when I came.
I know she craves my lust and fear,
I know it, to my shame.

She took me from a dream one night,
She sang her Siren cry.
She took my soul and, squeezing tight,
She sucked and fucked me dry.

And when I awoke my hands were red,
And when I awoke I began to bawl.
And when I awoke my kin lay dead.
And when I awoke I buried them all.

In the hollow ringed with skulls and skin,
In the horror now I crawl,
In the deep, dark wood where I feed my sin,
In the bloodied gloom in animal thrall

She rises from the stinking mire.
She opens her putrid mouth and loins.
She sings in terrible, ancient choir,
She screams in triumph and with me joins.

Upon my bones and meat she feasts
Upon my sex her harridan bite.
Upon my shame and fear she feeds.
Upon my soul, each frenzied night.

Until there’s nothing left to see
Until I’m spent and gone,
Until there’s nothing left of me;
Until then the nightly Siren’s song.

Paul Laville 
Jan 2015

I really like working with Pauls, so I hope we'll realize some new projects together in the near future.